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Apps and Tools

Apps and Tools

Get It Done San Diego

App for reporting non-emergency problems to the City of San Diego. App users can report problems like potholes or graffiti and connect directly to the City’s work tracking system.

Best Practices and Case Studies

Recycling Businesses in the NERC Region that Process or Use Post-Consumer “Blue Bin” Materials after MRF Processing

Businesses in an 11-state region that process curbside recycling materials

Best Practices and Case Studies

Summary of Announced Increased Capacity to Use Recycled Paper – Updated August 2019

National mixed paper recycling capacity expansion

Best Practices and Case Studies

Best Practices and Case Studies

National List of Shingle Recyclers, BMPs

Website provides updated list of asphalt shingle recyclers in North America, plus Best Management Practies shingle.s Also lists latest research on the use of recycled shangles

Programs and Initiatives

Funding Opportunities For Organics & Compost Related Businesses From State & Federal Agencies In The Northeast States

Recycled market development assistance for organics and compost businesses

Programs and Initiatives

Recycling Business Assistance Guide for the Northeast

State-by-state listing of agencies & organizations providing technical assistance and funding to recycling businesses.

Programs and Initiatives

Disposal Bans and Mandatory Recycling in the United States

State by state directory of mandatory recycling & disposal bans

Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives

Concrete Recycling Explained

By weight, concrete is the largest material in the North American Waste stream. Techniques and reasons to recycle this ubiquitous material are detailed

Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives

Atlanta Solid Waste Services

Garbage and recycling schedules and reminders for City of Atlanta, Georgia. Garbage and recycling schedule and receive collection notifications all from within this app.

Take Action

There are many ways to engage with and support Beyond 34 goals. Join us in taking action to improve national recycling and recovery systems.

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